Stream The Week In Art, Design, And Technology

Catch up.


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The Rundown

1. Galaxy users: Thanks to Samsung, Google's ARCore platform is coming your way. [The Verge]

2. HUBweek finished this past week in Boston and was witness to a deluge of innovations in art and technology. [MIT] [The Boston Globe]

3. Lin-Manuel Miranda has been flexing some muscle. With a new partnership with the Andy Warhol & Robert Rauschenberg foundations, the acclaimed composer is working to provide Puerto Rico with some much-needed relief. [ARTnews]

4. Talent alert: The winners of the inaugural Africa Architecture Awards have been announced. [Archdaily]

5. On the same vein, the winners of the 2017 American Architecture Prize have also been announced, with categories ranging from Landscape Design of the Year to Architectural Firm of the Year. [Archdaily]

The Long Reads

6. Tech companies are hindering police investigations:


Google (GOOGL, Tech30), Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30), and other companies say they're caught amid a duty to their customers, clashing interpretations of an outdated American law, and increasingly stringent privacy laws abroad. "In the absence of consistent legal doctrine, we're deferring to the judgment of the most senior federal court to rule on the issue," Google told CNN in a statement.

More on CNN.

7. On tech giants, tax fraud, and how it affects us:

The health of our democracy demands that we consider treating Facebook, Google, and Amazon with the same firm hand that led government to wage war on AT&T, IBM, and Microsoft – even dismembering them into smaller companies if circumstances (and the law) demand a forceful response. While it has been several generations since we wielded antitrust laws with such vigor, we should remember that these cases created the conditions that nurtured the invention of an open, gloriously innovative internet in the first place.

More on The Guardian.


Author: Evan Berk

Evan BerkEvan Berk