Yago de Quay


Dr. Yago de Quay is a guitarist-turned-engineer that advises tech companies on how to accelerate innovation in their products. He's a published author, musician, and scientist, a recipient of multiple European and American scientific grants to develop motion capture technologies. Recently, de Quay was featured in the show "America's Greatest Makers" and is invited regularly on TV and in the press to talk about creativity and emerging technologies. He created the opening and closing acts for Intel's keynote show at the Consumer Electronics Show that won the Ex Award for best production of an event. While at Live X, he brought to market in less than a year two cloud-based broadcasting platforms that eared him a spot at the National Association of Broadcasters. Currently, de Quay is the innovation manager for Intel's WeSketch app for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and is an adviser for the Brooklyn Arts Council.
